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Kovarust is yet another free Minecraft clone, but with the simple goal of actually being a viable alternative to the original.

Where other attempts at recreating the classic game have failed, whether that’s from lack of technical features, lack of being finished, or lack of RAM left to actually play the game, I aim to double down on those issues and create an expansive, efficient, and most importantly enjoyable experience.

Modding, customization, and all that will be well-supported and hopefully even more easily accessible than Java Edition. There won’t be any patching bytecode, or relying on an arbitrary server to display a colourful rectangle behind your player model. No Robux either, or having political agendas shoved down your throat on the title screen, for that matter.

Just a good 'ol block game where the sky’s the limit.


Why don't you just play Minetest like all the other anti-microsofters?

Because there aren't many of us who would sacrifice gameplay features to make a statement nobody cares about. Kovarust can't just be an anti-big-tech protest, but a fully-fledged game that is actually worth playing before you even look at the above point.

Why don't you just play an old version of MC if you hate the new ones so much?

Because it’s missing a community, features, and development. You're stuck in an ecosystem of old mods, which there's nothing wrong with, but people are bored of it.

Kovarust will try to have a stable protocol for modding, so even if new mods aren't being developed, you should be able to mix & match ancient classics like Project Red with something new like Create.

What’s the root password?

When will this thing be done?

At the moment there's just me working on the whole game by my lonesome. Check the other pages for more details, but in its current state, OpenMiner is more complete than Kovarust, so the timeline’s in the range of years.

Hopefully Minecraft will survive until then…

What happened to the old home page?

It was too long, and this one’s getting pretty long too, so I'll cut it off about here.